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Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)

Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) become mandatory for implementation from 1st January, 2013.

A SEEMP provides a possible approach for monitoring ship and fleet efficiency performance over time and some options to be considered when seeking to optimize the performance of the ship.

The purpose of a SEEMP is to establish a mechanism for a company and/or a ship to improve the energy efficiency of a ship's operation. Preferably, the ship-specific SEEMP is linked to a broader corporate energy management policy for the company that owns, operates or controls the ship, recognizing that no two shipping companies are the same, and that ships operate under a wide range of different conditions.

The SEEMP should be developed as a ship-specific plan by the company.

The SEEMP seeks to improve a ship's energy efficiency through four steps:
  1. Planning
  2. Implementation
  3. Monitoring 
  4. Self-evaluation and improvement.

Structure of SEEMP

  • Planning is the most crucial stage of the SEEMP
  •  it primarily determines both the current status of ship energy usage and the expected improvement of ship energy efficiency.
  • Therefore, it is encouraged to devote sufficient time to planning so that the most appropriate, effective and implementable plan can be developed.

  • After a ship and a company identify the measures to be implemented,
  •  it is essential to establish a system for implementation of the identified and selected measures by developing the procedures for energy management, by defining tasks and by assigning them to qualified personnel.
  •  the SEEMP should describe how each measure should be implemented and who the responsible person(s) is. 
  • The implementation period (start and end dates) of each selected measure should be indicated.
  • The development of such a system can be considered as a part of planning, and therefore may be completed at the planning stage.
  • The planned measures should be carried out in accordance with the predetermined implementation system. 
  • Record-keeping for the implementation of each measure is beneficial for self-evaluation at a later stage and should be encouraged.
  • If any identified measure cannot be implemented for any reason(s), the reason(s) should be recorded for internal use

  • The energy efficiency of a ship should be monitored quantitatively.
  • This should be done by an established method, preferably by an international standard.
  • The EEOI developed by the Organization is one of the internationally established tools to obtain a quantitative indicator of energy efficiency of a ship and/or fleet in operation, and can be used for this purpose. Therefore, EEOI could be considered as the primary monitoring tool, although other quantitative measures also may be appropriate.
  •  If used, it is recommended that the EEOI is calculated in accordance with the Guidelines developed by the Organization (MEPC.1/Circ.684), adjusted, as necessary, to a specific ship and trade.
  •  In addition to the EEOI, if convenient and/or beneficial for a ship or a company, other measurement tools can be utilized. In the case where other monitoring tools are used, the concept of the tool and the method of monitoring may be determined at the planning stage.

  • It should be noted that whatever measurement tools are used, continuous and consistent data collection is the foundation of monitoring.
  •  To allow for meaningful and consistent monitoring, the monitoring system, including the procedures for collecting data and the assignment of responsible personnel, should be developed.

  • It should be noted that, in order to avoid unnecessary administrative burdens on ships' staff, monitoring should be carried out as far as possible by shore staff, utilizing data obtained from existing required records such as the official and engineering log-books and oil record books, etc. Additional data could be obtained as appropriate.
  • Search and Rescue:When a ship diverts from its scheduled passage to engage in search and rescue operations, it is recommended that data obtained during such operations is not used in ship energy efficiency monitoring, and that such data may be recorded separately.

Self-evaluation and improvement
  • Self-evaluation and improvement is the final phase of the management cycle.
  • This phase should produce meaningful feedback for the coming first stage, i.e. planning stage of the next improvement cycle.
  • The purpose of self-evaluation is to evaluate the effectiveness of the planned measures and of their implementation, to deepen the understanding on the overall characteristics of the ship's operation such as what types of measures can/cannot function effectively, and how and/or why, to comprehend the trend of the efficiency improvement of that ship and to develop the improved SEEMP for the next cycle.
  •  For this process, procedures for self-evaluation of ship energy management should be developed. Furthermore, self-evaluation should be implemented periodically by using data collected through monitoring. 
  • it is recommended to invest time in identifying the cause-and-effect of the performance during the evaluated period for improving the next stage of the management plan.

SEEMP sample form generally to be used or you can use similar to it as provide by your company, it’s not a mandatory format but it should cover all the aspects of form

Methods of energy improvements with SEEMP


Improvement method


Fuel Efficient Operations

Improved voyage planning

Careful planning and execution of voyages
Weather routeing

Potential efficiency savings using routeing tools from existing providers.
Just in time

Optimise speed based on early communication with next port on berth availability
Speed optimisation

To minimise fuel consumption, taking into account engine manufacturers optimal settings and arrival times/availability of berths at port.
Optimised shaft power

Efficiency can be improved by setting constant RPM.
Optimised Ship Handling

Optimum trim

Operating at optimum trim for specified draft and speed.
Optimum ballast

Ballasting for optimum trim and steering conditions.
Optimum propeller and propeller inflow considerations

Possible retrofitting of improved propeller designs and/or inflow modifiers such as fins or ducts in order to improve efficiency.
Optimum use of rudder and heading control systems (autopilots)

Reducing distance sailed ‘off track’ and minimising losses caused by rudder corrections. Possible improvements through retrofitting optimised rudder designs.
Hull Maintenance

Use of advanced coating systems, better management of cleaning intervals and underwater inspection
Propulsion System

Propulsion system maintenance

Systematic minimisation of heat and mechanical loss through routine maintenance and optimisation.
Waste Heat Recovery

Thermal heat loss from exhaust gases to generate electricity or propulsion via shaft motors.
Improved Fleet Management

Better utilisation of fleet capacity and use of ‘best practise
Improved Cargo Handling

Cargo handling matched to ship and port requirements
Energy Management

Review of energy usage such as electrical and HVAC systems.
Fuel Type

Potential use of emerging alternative fuels.
Other Measures

Computer software to calculate fuel consumption; use of renewable energy technology; use of shore power.


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