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Your vessel where you are posted as a Chief engineer is about to enter dry dock. State the co-ordination and information exchange necessary with the master of the vessel for successful entry. Also list the necessary preparation you would make along with earmarking division of duties to the engineers of the vessels. Enlist the inspection and co-ordinations you will make with dry dock authorities for successful coming out of the dry dock?

Drydocking is one of the most important activities that a vessel may come across. Hence good planning and coordination will be vital towards successful completion of dry dock.

The dry docking is governed by various factors:-
1) Classification society requirement
2) Statutory requirement
3) Condition of vessel

So for a successful dry dock, there should be a good co-ordination
between master and chief engineer so that all the works are completed at a time without any casualty.

As a chief engineer following are the exchange of information which will be necessary with the master:-
  1. Class, survey and statutory requirement
  2. Scope of work in dry dock categorizing especially time required, shore gang required, work that is to be done by engine room and dock staff.
  3. ROB of bunkers and L.O. to be shared by the master
  4. Any requirement for pumping of black water, oil sludge to reception facilities and its arrangement.
  5. Spare requirements as to what all spares have arrived and what will be arriving.
  6. List of survey items to be submitted to master.
  7. Any special requirement like covering of vents, opening of tanks when grit blasting is performed.
  8. Co-ordination with master to required list and trim and put accordingly fuel oil and freshwater tanks in use as advised by him.
  9. Communicate with the master as to be in touch with the company regarding any new requirements which ship will be fulfilling after dry dock. i.e. to fulfill any compliance towards statutory requirements.
  10. Any rules laid down by the yard should be informed to ship personnel by the master.
  11. A pre docking tank cleaning and line washing plan to be informed by the master to the chief engineer to mobilize the resources to carry out the operation.
  12. All refit requirements to be submitted as stated with appropriate data e.g. pipe repair material, location, staging required, etc.
  13. If any changes to be made in the emergency teams in the dry dock should be well consulted before dry dock.
Delegation of responsibility to engine room staff:-
Preparedness for the same will start well in advance of the dry dock. The preparedness will include the following:-
  1. How to change over the main engine and boiler in diesel oil.
  2. How to change the ship power to shore power taking into account voltage and frequency.
  3. Requirement of cooling of fridge and A/C plant
  4. Method of sewage disposal.
  5. Securing of heavyweights.
  6. Tanks and cofferdams to be sounded.
  7. Chief engineer and second engineer who are management-level personnel of engine room department, to make a rough plan to delegate the responsibility of various jobs.
  8. Chief engineer will delegate responsibility for arranging spares as they arrive.
  9. Personnel to prepare tags for various valves with job numbers and fix them on the valve.
  10. All safety aspects discussed and safety precautions to be followed. All engine room personnel to be briefed about safety and asked to check the shore personnel regarding safe working culture.
  11. A day to day work report to be made and discussed to check whether all jobs are proceeding as per schedule or there is some delay. If same look into them.
  12. Chief engineer and second engineer to divide and co-ordinate various surveys which they will oversee.
Now while undocking of the vessel there should be proper coordination between ship and yard personnel.

Various inspection and co-operation with dry dock personnel are:-
  1. Check about the plan of dry dock and ensure that all works have been completed.
  2. Check paintwork has been completed.
  3. Hull repair completed.
  4. All tanks plugs are in place and secured.
  5. All anodes are fitted. Grease/ paper used on them while painting, are removed.
  6. Echo sounder transducer is cleaned of paper and grease.
  7. Propeller rope guard is fitted properly and propellers are on dock mark.
  8. Oil is not leaking from the stern tube.
  9. Rudder plugs are in place.
  10. Ensure all valves are shut.
  11. Sea grids are in place
  12. Ensure all tanks are at the same level while entry so as to have same trim when refloating
Verify weight log certificate ( no heavyweight has been shifted)


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